We're going to Burning Man. Whatever shall we wear? Part 2

More outfits for Burning Man! This one's for me. -Pants from Value Village -Tank tops and Roxy shoes from my closet -Goggles from Irving Rivers, painted silver by Chris -Arm warmers made from a pair of tights I had kicking around Silky smooth. -Vest, slippers and shiny skirt from Value Village -Purse and glasses from my closet I love the parasol (a gift from Thailand), but I don't think we have room to pack it. Chris = green man -T-shirt and shorts from Old Navy -Mask made by Chris out of left over decorations from our last house party! Pajama fairies! This might look a little familiar... me: -Vintage nightgown set from Ragtime Chris: -Housecoat from Value Village -Pajama pants from Giant Tiger - Wings made out of garden decorations Another cavegirl ensemble -Boots and cuffs made from Value Village fun fur coat -Children's fun fur vest from Value Village -Skirt and top from my closet