
Showing posts from October, 2013

Happy Halloween!

We were so excited to have a house to decorate for Halloween! I actually started working on some of the decorations while we were still living in the motel - I just couldn't wait to work on Halloween crafts! I haven't been feeling well for the past few days, so we didn't do much beyond decorate the front yard and hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. We weren't sure how many kids to expect, so we bought candy for over 100 (my coworkers told me there would be lots of kids downtown). In the end we only had 13 kids come to the door, so there's lots of leftovers for Chris to enjoy. The children who did come by were super impressed with our decor, especially the fog machine. I think we'll have to step it up next year to draw in more trick-or-treaters. You've got to build a reputation, right? I've posted the full instructions on instructables for how we made Zero, the ghost dog from the Nightmare Before Christmas, in our motel room. The...

We bought a house!

After years of house hunting, and many false starts and heartbreaks, we've finally bought a place of our own! We got our keys today and couldn't be more excited. Chris even filmed a cute little house tour. Chris has started a blog of his own to chronicle his adventures in the Yukon: "Why one, eh?" is a play on the start of Whitehorse postal codes. Clever, eh?


Our little Cutie traveled all the way to Whitehorse, but unfortunately she won't be moving into our new house with us. Cutie hanging out with Chris in our motel room She'd become so frail over the last few months, we're really impressed she actually made it so far. Hops is a little lonely but we're looking for a new Yukon friend or two to add to the mischief soon.

It's that time of year!

Halloween is just around the corner! Great Pumpkin Ball 2012 photo by Alissa Albert We're still living in a motel, so we don't have any big costumes in the works at the moment, but you can find all the posts on our past Halloween fun and costumes at these links: All Halloween Blog Posts All Costume Blog Posts Instructions on how we made the costumes are over on Instructables