Superman Saga

I previously posted that Chris and I were making Superman costumes for Burning Man. In honour of the Metropolis theme, a world record breaking gathering of people dressed as Superman was scheduled for noon on Burn Day and we didn't want to miss out on the fun.

On top of our own costumes, I was making S shield patches to give out to anyone who may have forgotten their superhero outfits at home. Unfortunately, I didn't buy the iron-on interfacing for the patches (and read the instructions) until I had already traced and cut out a couple dozen red logos. Only afterwards did I realize that it would be much easier to iron the interfacing to the red fabric before cutting it all out.

So I started over. Luckily I had plenty of free red t-shirts to use and many many hours of riding in Bertha to spend cutting.

I ironed the red shields onto a $2 yellow sheet in our hotel room in Reno and then added another layer of interfacing so the patches could be ironed onto shirts. Since I didn't have a sewing machine to finish the edges, they probably won't last in the wash, but they held up well enough on the playa.

Full costume breakdown:
  • red capes: made from old skirt & volunteer t-shirts
  • blue t-shirts: $5 for 3 at Wal-mart in the mens underwear section!
  • yellow belts: duct tape generously donated by another burner so our outfits would pass Guiness's record requirements (I later added a yellow belt that had become moop)
  • undies: mine are from Wal-mart, Chris' are from H&M
  • blue tights: $5 for 3 pairs at Ardene!

We smashed the previous world record of 122 people dressed as Superman. While I'm not sure of the final count, I was Superman #135 and Chris was #138.


J said…
Hey! You got on Super Punch!

I look forward to all your BRC tales and photographs...
Pauline said…
Hahah! That's awesome! It looks like a lot of fun! I would love to go to Burning Man! :)
Unknown said…
Always fun to find a shot of yourself on the inter-webs! And i even got one of the great patches!
Bedouin said…
This event was actually my idea, thanks for participating! I think the final count was 175, give or take... But guinness didn't accept it, oh well, I know what we accomplished, even if some book doesn't recognize it!
Markus said…
I love your dedication to making such creative costumes.

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