
Showing posts from June, 2015

So many instructables...

When I set myself the challenge of writing an instructable every day this month , I don't think I fully appreciated how much time it would take to not just write the instructables, but actually make the things that I would be writing instructions for. I also didn't fully grasp yet how little free time I would have now that I'm back to work. While I didn't quite meet my goal, I did write a lot of instructables and helped give YuKonstruct an early lead in the Makerspace Contest . I've also worked on several projects that, while not instructables yet, will soon be ready to become instructables. Here's what did get published this month, many of these projects are entered in contests, so I would appreciate your votes! Medals of Honour Cat Shelves and Hideaway Helmet Horns Planet Fascinator Nuka Cola Ring Toss Klondike Bartender Costume Claptrap Card Box Rainbow Mohawk Bert & Ernie Costume Grilled Rainbow Vegetabl...

Happy Father's Day!

Chris is a fantastic father. Axel is so lucky to have him as a dad. Happy Father's Day to all the amazing fathers out there, including my own awesome dad!

Instructables Challenge

Instructables is hosting an epic makerspace contest with over $30,000 in prizes. The contest is all about quantity (the makerspace with the most instructables published between June 1 and August 31 wins) so I've decided to publish as many instructables as I can this summer. This month I'm challenging myself to publish one instructable every day. It is a great opportunity to finally push myself to write up a bunch of projects I've had kicking around for ages. I'll be publishing my personal projects as ModMischief and I'll also be writing up group projects for YuKonstruct - so you can follow both accounts to see all the instructables. I'm off to a good start having just published two instructables in the last two days: Discord Horns from InstaMorph InstaMorph & Craft Foam Stamps