Down the rabbit hole

The tta’s first party was this weekend, on the eve of my birthday. Inspired by the Lewis Carol craze, we hosted an Allison in Wonderland Tea Party. 

What we ate: I was still baking and assembling sandwiches in the kitchen when the guests started to arrive. We served
and for dessert
 Most popular drink: Well, it was a tea party. But on top of the orange pekoe and earl grey, we made skittles vodka. The shots didn’t make me grow any taller but they did have certain magical qualities.

How we set the stage: Freecycle delivered in a big way! Chris and I lucked into an entire box of silver teapots, serving trays and cream and sugar sets. We picked it all up the day before the party and I couldn’t believe our good fortune.
What we wore: The top hat we found in Toronto was perfect for a mad hatter. I paired it with some funky striped tights (50% off after Halloween!), a blue skirt and a waistcoat. Chris was sure to tuck a pocket watch into his pocket.

After eating our fill of goodies and downing several cups of tea, we went to the theatre to watch Tim Burton’s new movie. A perfect way to end my unbirthday party!


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