Elsewhere on the Internets

Instructables recently made me a featured author and I'm incredibly honoured to be joining the ranks of some of the best makers around. Wilgubeast asked me about everything from my lack of formal training to my penchant for collecting spare body parts. You can read the full interview here.

If that wasn't enough to give me a huge ego, my post about calling 911 was featured on Offbeat Home this week!

Speaking of our recent scare...
It's nowhere near as pretty a collection as the photos on http://theburninghouse.com/ but if you're wondering what Chris and I would grab if the house was on fire, this is what we actually had with us while sitting on the sidewalk in our pajamas.

  • cat carrier (Simone was actually in it at the time)
  • Juniper and Potato
  • the cordless phone I used to call 911
  • my purse
  • our laptops (neither of which are really worth anything beyond the priceless photos they contain)
  • a hat from the Bay - I picked it up to grab my purse and didn't realize I still had it with me until I was waiting for the firemen outside
Noticeably absent were keys for Bertha, a coat and real pants.


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