RIP Simone

We very sadly had to have Simone put down this week as she was suffering from severe kidney failure.

We miss her very much; coming home isn't the same when she's not there at the top of the stairs to greet us.


RealGrouchy said…
That's sad! It feels like you've lost lots of pets recently.

- RG>
Megs said…
So sorry to hear. Big hugs to you and Chris
Anonymous said…
Big Mama passed on right before my first year, 2009. I cried and cried on Sunday - for my cat! I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you got to say goodbye.
ginger said…
Ah! So sad, poor Simone!! Sorry to hear about your loss.
Chain said…
Omigosh, I am so sorry! ;_; I don't know what I'd do that with that empty feeling. :-/

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