Wedding Wednesday: 100 Days Left!

Apparently I'm not very good at remembering to post wedding updates on Wednesdays. It's Thursday, but it's also 100 days from our wedding date!

We've been doing lots of wedding stuff lately. Chris has been working on the design of the invitations and hopefully we'll be able to start putting them together soon.

I've been busy working on our card box. It's going to be a Claptrap, CL4P-TP General Purpose Robot, from the video game Borderlands.

Making the Claptrap Card Box

I'm basing the card box on a simplified papercraft version of the robot that I've scaled up and made out of cardboard. I'm almost done covering it papier machĂ©.

Making the Claptrap Card Box

We've also made progress on the centre pieces. Some of our fantastic friends helped us with making pop tab chainmaille covers for the mason jar vases.

Pop tab chainmail


estetik said…
nice jug... i want it
fotos em said…
Appreciate your blog postt

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