Wedding Wednesday: Invites & Uniforms

The invitations are in the mail! It's so nice to check that off our to do list.


But it's still all wedding all the time around here.

Claptrap Card Box

We've finished building the Claptrap card box. We might still give him a few more metal plates and spikes, but he's good to go as-is.

Chris and I have also been working on some of the outfits for the wedding party. 

Uniforms before dye
judging from the blood stains on some of them, marching band is way more hardcore than I ever imagine

I picked up 3 vintage marching band uniform bibs for a great deal from a lovely etsy seller. I treated the stains and dyed them grey.

Best man's outfit in progress

My little brothers will wear two and the other will be worn by Chris' best man.To make the best man really stand out we've  added buttons, medals and fancy epaulettes.


Great uniforms, love them. Reminds me of some Hungarian uniforms i have seen before.

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