Halloween Happenings

Baby Axel's early arrival has necessitated some changes to our Halloween plans this year. Since he's not ready to join us for any big parties and costume contests, we're going to focus instead on decorating the house and handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. I still don't even know what costumes we'll wear! (but there's no shortage of options as my archive of costume blog posts will attest)

Monster Mask Workshop
Axel at his first YuKonstruct workshop

While we haven't worked out our outfits yet, we have been helping others get their costumes ready. Chris and I have been teaching a mask making workshop at YuKonstruct.

Monster Mask Workshop

It's been a lot of fun showing people how we've made masks like the ones we use for Ludo and Bebop and Rocksteady. The class participants have some really great plans for their masks and I can't wait to see how they all turn out when the workshop wraps up this weekend.


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