Tiny adventures

Peering into our finished diorama

Remember when I said we were participating in a group art project for Burning Man this year? Despite a few little hiccups along the way,  our finished box made it to the playa to be part of a very awesome installation.

not much to look at yet

Circumstances prevented us from completing our diorama in time to mail it to Team Tiny, so we took our 12 x 12 x 8 box on the road with us.

craft time in Edmonton

By the time we were ready to leave BC, the diorama was mostly done, but I was still working on wrapping it in white duct tape when we pulled into Vancouver, Washington, to hand our box over to the tiny artist who generously offered to deliver it to the playa for us.

progress in Kamloops

After setting up camp at Burning Man, we were very eager to go see our diorama in place, but were disappointed when we discovered that something had broken on route and our box was not lighting up.

emergency on-playa surgery

Fortunately, we had tools back at our camp and were able to rewire the lights and return our diorama to it's place so it could be enjoyed by burners all day and night.

sealing it up again

Here's what they saw inside:

 by day
 by night (my camera doesn't do it justice)

Ten points if you can spot two Canadian landmarks, two New York landmarks and two Metropolis landmarks!


Anonymous said…
Canada: Parliament clock tower & CN Tower
NYC: Chrysler building & Empire State building
Metropolis... still haven't seen it (embarrassingly)
Christiano said…
This defies awesomeness by being even awesomer.

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