Preparing for the Zombie Apocalypse

Potato brushing up on zombie survival strategies

Even mainstream media seems to be taking the threat of zombies pretty seriously these days. The Globe and Mail ran an article on Budgeting for the Zombie Apocalypse, This Old House had a feature on protecting your home from the undead and the CDC issued official guidelines on how to prepare for the walking dead.

This is a topic that Chris and I have obviously thought a lot about. But recently we've stepped up the research and planing as we're working on designing the ultimate zombie-proof fortress for the 2011 Zombie Safe House Competition.

With over 600 registered, I can't wait to see what our competitors come up with!

For our entry, we're working on a plan with an Ottawa area twist. All the number crunching has been giving me headaches but the end result should be epic. Stay tuned for more details; we have until the end of the month to get it done!

PS: Add entering zombie-themed architectural contests to the list of reasons being with Chris is awesome

***Update*** See our finished design here.


Megs said…
LOL, love it! I was thinking about a safe house while wandering around Halifax and came up with the Halifax Defence complex. But there's probably no way Parks Canada would give up the Citadel which would be perfect to guard us against land-based attacks. We also spend a lot of time fretting about the apocalypse. Maybe we can all pick each other's brains sometime (no pun intended, hehe).

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