A new home for the rats and new rats for their new home

Well, 3 years later, we've finally gone and done it!

Before  (just the top part)

We found a cheap hutch at Value Village and cleaned it out, sanded it down and then painted it.

making it shiny!

We varnished the whole thing and added a stainless steel back splash to part of the inside.

glueing in the back splash

The bottom of the inside was sealed with countertop coating to make it rat proof and easy to clean.

mix A and B, apply and then wait forever for it to dry

We installed wire mesh on the doors and front where the glass panels used to be.

the shelves started their life as a shoe rack

Finally we added shelves and ladders and food dishes, and all the other rat necessities.

rat cage!
The new occupants think it's great!

Barley enjoys her new digs

And since we finally had the space, we took the opportunity to introduce two new rats to our mischief: Hops & Fuggles from La Ratterie des Trois-Rives.

Hops in her new home

Fuggles is a little camera shy, so you'll just have to trust me that she's also incredibly adorable.


aramanthe said…
Yay! What an awesome cage and cute ratsies!
Derek said…
Your rats are adorable! I had one as a pet back in college, Lowell, and he was so sweet. Please consider joining us at Cute-Fight! We need more rat representation. http://cute-fight.com

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